
The growing concern of ads playing on inactive TV screens continues to be a top issue with advertisers. However, for mobile in-app advertising, the story is quite different. A study by GroupM and iSpot highlighted the problem last year, stating that: 

On average, 8% to 10% of impressions on connected TV we delivered when the TV was off.

The cost? Roughly $1 Billion USD annually.

The culprits? Technology issues and a lack of transparency.

The growing concern of ads playing on inactive TV screens continues to be a top issue with advertisers. However, for mobile in-app advertising, the story is quite different. A study by GroupM and iSpot highlighted the problem last year, stating that:   On average, 8% to 10% of impressions on connected TV we delivered when the TV was off.  The cost? Roughly $1 Billion USD annually.  The culprits? Technology issues and a lack of transparency.  The core of the issue is the ability of external devices to deliver streaming content independently of TV status. Audiences can turn off the TV device while the streaming device continues to send bid requests, resulting in ads playing on dark screens. This problem was prominent, accounting for 17% of impressions from external devices, but virtually non-existent on smart TV apps.  Today, buyers remain vigilant to ensure their ads run only when the TV is actively in use. Although the problem has seen some improvement, it continues to persist. Transparency is the call of the hour, and the industry seeks full visibility to address these concerns.  In stark contrast, mobile in-app ads have been consistently delivering positive results. The mobile ad tech ecosystem is designed to adapt to the complexities of the connected world, providing advertisers with highly engaging and measurable ad experiences. While the TV advertising landscape navigates through these challenges, mobile in-app ads offer an effective and efficient way to reach highly engaged audiences, free from the concerns of ads playing on idle screens.  Advertisers and marketers are turning to mobile in-app ads more and more, where they can harness the power of real-time data and precise targeting, ensuring their messages are delivered to audiences who are actively engaged. We here at Prado know that in the world of advertising, adaptation to the digital age is key, and our mobile in-app solution is leading the way.  Learn more about how Prado and in-app ads can work for you.

The core of the issue is the ability of external devices to deliver streaming content independently of TV status. Audiences can turn off the TV device while the streaming device continues to send bid requests, resulting in ads playing on dark screens. This problem was prominent, accounting for 17% of impressions from external devices, but virtually non-existent on smart TV apps.

Today, buyers remain vigilant to ensure their ads run only when the TV is actively in use. Although the problem has seen some improvement, it continues to persist. Transparency is the call of the hour, and the industry seeks full visibility to address these concerns.

In stark contrast, mobile in-app ads have been consistently delivering positive results. The mobile ad tech ecosystem is designed to adapt to the complexities of the connected world, providing advertisers with highly engaging and measurable ad experiences. While the TV advertising landscape navigates through these challenges, mobile in-app ads offer an effective and efficient way to reach highly engaged audiences, free from the concerns of ads playing on idle screens.

Advertisers and marketers are turning to mobile in-app ads more and more, where they can harness the power of real-time data and precise targeting, ensuring their messages are delivered to audiences who are actively engaged. We here at Prado know that in the world of advertising, adaptation to the digital age is key, and our mobile in-app solution is leading the way.

Learn more about how Prado and in-app ads can work for you.